The Biomedical Data
Analysis Platform.
Explore scientific data without learning how to code.
Focus on
High Dimensional
Flow Cytometry
- Import your files directly from the cytometer.
- Use the latest algorithms for Quality Control, Dimension Reduction and Clustering.
- Visualise your results for publication. (Heatmap, Multivariate Plot, Minimum Spanning Tree).
Why Choose Tercen?
A Fresh Approach to Data Analysis...
Tercen makes it easy to visualise large biomedical datasets. One click can deliver whole analysis pipelines complete with cutting-edge bioinformatics. Our revolutionary collaboration tools allow you to share your research like never before.
Drag and Drop
Visual Analysis Design
- Build clear analysis pipelines intuitively
- Choose advanced statistical techniques from our app library
- Have controlled and reproducible experiments
- No coding skills necessary
Adjust and Enhance
Simple, Flexible, Powerful
- Get insightful views of your data in seconds
- Link clinical annotations and create any type of graph
- Process files directly from the instrument
- Use high performance cloud computing