The Biomedical Data Analysis Platform.
Explore scientific data without learning to code.
Want to get started?
A Fresh Approach to Data Analysis.
Tercen makes it easy to visualise large datasets. Our collaborative tools allow bench scientists to create sophisticated analysis pipelines with cutting-edge bioinformatics.
Visual Data Exploration
Analysis Pipelines
Collaboration Tools
Data Libraries
Open Source Algorithms
Controlled and reproducible experiments
Drag and Drop Analysis
- Build analysis pipelines intuitively.
- Apply algorithms and statistics from a library.
- Integrated publication-ready reports.
- No coding skills are needed.
Share projects with a single click
Collaborate with your Community
- The widest variety of specialist algorithms on the market.
- Compare groups with multilevel statistical models.
- Integrate multi-omics data sets and annotations.
- Use high-performance cloud computing.
The benefits of using Tercen
Something for all the Team.
Tercen believes in Open Science.
Sign up to use our public servers for free. Or contact us to chat about your requirements.